Professional Locksmith
Kyox Locksmiths
of Reading


Below you will find locksmith articles provided by Kyox Locksmiths of Reading. We hope these articles will help you to learn more about securing your home and vehicle.

Simply click on the title or on "read more" to read the full article.

How to protect your car from theft

We all love our cars, be it an old Volvo your parents bought you 10 years ago, or the latest beautiful Italian Ferrari model. But how can we protect our car from being stolen? How can I stop a thief, you ask? Read more...

Is your door really secure?

Any locksmith will tell you that having a quality lock is necessary, but not always enough. The lock has to fit your door, and by that we mean that if your door frame is only half an inch thick, no brand will stop a burglar from entering your house. Read more...

Keep your home safe on holiday

Going on holiday should be fun. If you have to spend your holiday worrying about your home or business, it won't be. Here are some tips to make your property safer and give you peace of mind when you are away. Read more...

Dear Burglars and Looters: Keep Out!

Want to keep burglars out of your home? Most of you will probably say that it's easier said than done, and you might be right. However you must remember that the easiest way to keep criminals out of your home is to make it as unattractive to them as possible. Read more...

24/7 Locksmith Service
Kyox Locksmiths of Reading
Hours: Monday through Sunday, all day
Phone: 0118 907 2513
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